White's Signature Series Leather/Fabric Metal Detector Gloves - L

$17.90 $17.90( / )
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Our Signature Series Digging Gloves are dual-construction – leather palm and finger tips for durability, with a breathable fabric backing to wick moisture away and keep your hands cool in the summer. With the classic White’s logo printed right over the knuckles, your friends will know you mean business. SIZE...
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Our Signature Series Digging Gloves are dual-construction – leather palm and finger tips for durability, with a breathable fabric backing to wick moisture away and keep your hands cool in the summer. With the classic White’s logo printed right over the knuckles, your friends will know you mean business.


If you’ve ever been stuck by a piece of can slaw, buried needle, knife blade, or stung by a yellowjacket for digging where you probably shouldn’t, you will recognize the value in a sturdy set of gloves. They also protect your hands from the elements.

Our Signature Series Digging Gloves are dual-construction – leather palm and finger tips for durability, with a breathable fabric backing to wick moisture away and keep your hands cool in the summer. With the classic White’s logo printed right over the knuckles, your friends will know you mean business.

Offered in small, medium, LARGE, and extra-large.


Clothing & Apparel


White's Electronics




0.24 lb

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