Composite Cleaning Pencil Brass Insert Pack
Composite Cleaning Pencil Brass Insert Pack
Composite Cleaning Pencil Brass Insert Pack
Composite Cleaning Pencil Brass Insert Pack

Composite Cleaning Pencil Fine Detail Brass Inserts

SKU: DD-1003
Regular price $9.45 Sale price $6.99
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Composite Cleaning Pencil Brass Insert Pack

Composite Cleaning Pencil Fine Detail Brass Inserts


Composite Cleaning Pencil Fine Detail Brass Inserts

Designed to fit as additional inserts to the Composite Cleaning Pencil, The fine detail brass inserts are a perfect addition to clearing the fine detail around coin portrait and lettering.

This is a Brass Inserts pack for the Composite Cleaning Pencil.


  • Three brass needle inserts
  • One brass scraper insert for cleaning the toughest encrustment and handy around coin-encrusted edges
Prospecting TypeCleaning & Preservation