Quest Scuba Tector Pro
Discover the power of the Quest Scuba Tector Pro, the ultimate companion for your underwater treasure-hunting adventures. Utilizing the advanced Pulse Induction method, this metal detector features a 5 x 4" mono coil and a submergible shell that can withstand depths of up to 60 meters (200 feet). With its 4x5" coil, the Scuba Tector Pro offers exceptional sensitivity and depth of penetration while maintaining a lightweight and mobile design. Whether you're exploring dry beaches, fresh water, or diving into the depths, this waterproof metal detector is your reliable partner. The ribbed, ergonomic body ensures comfort and stability during underwater detection sessions. Whether you're a recreational metal detectorist or engaged in historical artifact recovery, the Scuba Tector Pro is a valuable addition to your equipment. Don't miss out on the opportunity to dive into the depths this summer and uncover hidden treasures. Grab your own Quest Scuba Tector Pro and embark on an unforgettable underwater adventure.